Solar Forest Sprouts in North Carolina
2300 solar trees, patented by Envisions, will form a solar forest that produces 35 MW of electricity.
2300 solar trees, patented by Envisions, will form a solar forest that produces 35 MW of electricity.
New Media Ventures is a national network of angel investors that's funding groups that combine new media and technology.
It's the first utility scale renewable energy project in Abu Dhabi and the biggest in the Middle East.
Three of the biggest public school districts in the US are using IBM smarter building software to cut costs and generate revenue.
2012 was a record year for US wind, growing 28% through 190 projects in 32 states.
ALEC hit the ground running this year, pushing model legislation that stirs up controversy over climate change in our youngest kids.
While other utilities cap the amount of distributed energy that can be added to the grid, Hawaii is planning for increased solar and upgrading the grid in advance.
More people will buy plug-in cars if they can easily charge them - employer parking lots are an untapped resource.
For the first time, organic growers receive higher payments because of the greater value of their crops.
The national Climate Change Act of 2009 and People's Survival Fund are two laws that will be implemented this year.