Climate Scientists See Intimidation in Letter from House Energy Chair

From, July 13, 2005 Texas Republican Rep. Joe Barton, powerful chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has created a stir among many of the nation’s leading climate scientists over what they call an “unprecedented” inquiry into their research. In late June, Barton sent a letter to three scientists whose findings show that global temperatures have increased dramatically since 1900. [1] The letter calls on them to provide all the raw data that contributed to their research. Barton has also called on the National Science Foundation for a list of “all grants and other funding” given for climate research. Critics within the scientific community assert that Barton’s request is a blatant political maneuver to discourage scientists from pursuing studies that might verify the link between global warming and human activity. Michael Bender, a professor of geosciences at Princeton University and a member on the board of atmospheric sciences and climate at the U.S. National Academies told Environmental Science and Technology, “I feel there is an attempt to intrude on the work of scientists…government is attempting to intimidate scientists that have findings they don’t agree with.” [2] At issue is research conducted mainly by Michael Mann, an assistant professor […]

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Looking Into the Sun

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Renewable Energy Fund Established in Asia

The Private Energy Market Fund 2 (PEMF2)is a Euro 50 million sustainable energy investment fund that is locating in Bangkok. It will provide assistance and investment capital for companies and projects in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors in Asia. The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and its Finnish partner, Emerging Power Partners (EPP) are providing seed financing. The goal is for PEMF to finance 10-15 projects at a total cost of Euro 200-400 million, and an estimated capacity of 150-500 MW. “Establishing innovative funding and finance mechanism is essential to mobilizing the massive amounts of capital needed to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy across the ASEAN region,” said Dr. Marianne Osterkorn, International Director of REEEP. “However, we are confident that with the right funds in place, the opportunity is there to make an impact. Many Asian countries have recognized the importance and benefits that clean energy provides, and they are introducing incentive and policy programmes for renewable energy that will support the efforts of funds like PEMF.”

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