House Squanders Chance to Save Energy in Digital TV Transition

Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected an opportunity to cut consumers’ energy costs as the nation transitions from analog to digital television broadcasting. With Congress considering legislation to set a final date for the transition, the committee rejected an energy efficiency standard for the digital TV adapters that many consumers will have to buy to continue using their broadcast TV sets after the 2008 transition date. Instead, the House committee passed a meaningless energy efficiency requirement for this equipment that would override stricter state standards. Following the transition to digital broadcasting, millions of American households will be forced to install digital television adapters (DTAs) to continue watching broadcast programming on their analog TVs. Congress is considering a federal subsidy program to offset the cost of DTAs to tens of millions of affected households, many of which are low-income households that cannot afford to buy new digital-ready TVs or subscribe to cable or satellite TV services. Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) had proposed an amendment to set efficiency requirements for subsidized boxes similar to minimum-efficiency standards set to take effect for all boxes sold in California as of January 2007. The Markey amendment would have limited DTAs to a maximum […]

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Alliance for Affordable Energy Urges Sustainability Focus in New Orleans Rebuilding Efforts

The Alliance for Affordable Energy, a New Orleans-based nonprofit organization promoting fair, affordable and environmentally responsible energy policies for Louisiana and the nation for 20 years, has launched a series of workshops designed to elicit strategies and action steps from the local community on how to rebuild New Orleans in a sensible, sustainable fashion. Based on suggestions from participants at the first workshop held Oct. 8th, letters were sent earlier this week to Louisiana’s Congressional delegation, Governor Kathleen Blanco, Mayor Ray Nagin, the New Orleans City Council and their respective commissions urging them to ensure that sustainability is an essential part of redevelopment. The group listed six principles they considered essential to the rebuilding process including: 1) accountability and community participation, 2) walkable, mixed use neighborhoods with improved public transportation, 3) green, energy efficient rebuilding, 4) greater distributed generation of electricity including the use of more renewable energy resources, 5) coastal restoration and adequate hurricane protection, and 6) stopping global warming which is causing hurricanes to become stronger and sea-levels to rise. Alliance Executive Director Linda Stone said in the letters, “Many elements of a ‘sustainable’ city can already be found in New Orleans. The live oaks, historic doubles and […]

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