Altair Nanotechnologies, Partners Receive US$2.5M from DOE

Altair Nanotechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ALTI), in collaboration with the University of Nevada Las Vegas Research Foundation (UNLVRF), announced the consortium has received a $2.5 million Phase III grant award from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the joint development of solar hydrogen generation cells. Under the terms of the multi-year grant, Altairnano will receive $750,000 for collaborative research and development efforts through its subcontractor agreement with UNLVRF beginning October 1, 2005, and continuing through December 2006. Commented Altair Nanotechnologies CEO, Alan J. Gotcher, Ph.D., “The consortium’s two-pronged approach, which supports the National Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, is the joint development of a cell for direct hydrogen production from sunlight and water, along with related vehicle refilling stations. We expect this approach to accelerate the commercialization of alternative energy vehicles and resource utilization throughout the state of Nevada and, in due course, the United States.” Under the terms of the grant, UNLVRF, a non-profit affiliate of UNLV, will lead a team of industrial and technology partners to spearhead multiple research and development projects to drive production and commercialization of solar technology-based hydrogen projects. Altairnano’s nanocrystalline metal oxide materials are key components to the overall effectiveness of the hybrid cell being developed […]

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Kucinich Demands White House Documents On Climate Change

Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) has introduced a Resolution of Inquiry (H. Res. 515) demanding that the White House submit to Congress all documents in their possession relating to the anticipated effects of climate change on the coastal regions of the United States. The Kucinich Resolution is co-sponsored by 150 Members of Congress including the House Minority Whip and the Ranking Members of the House Science Committee, Government Reform Committee, Education and the Workforce Committee, Transportation Committee, Judiciary Committee, Rules Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Small Business Committee, House Administration Committee and Homeland Security Committee. A Resolution of Inquiry is a rare House procedure used to obtain documents from the Executive Branch. Under House rules, Kucinich’s resolution is referred to committee, and action must be taken in committee within 14 legislative days. The Kucinich Resolution states: Resolved, that the President of the United States is requested to provide to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of adoption of this resolution, all documents (including minutes and memos) in his possession relating to the effects of climate change on the coastal regions of the United States produced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National […]

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Energy Failure

Editorial, Oct. 31, 2005 President Bush’s habitual response to energy-related problems like oil dependency is to try to increase supply rather than to cut demand through energy efficiency. The imbalance is getting worse as Congress rushes to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. Meanwhile, the Interior Department is leasing out more fragile public land than the oil and gas companies know what to do with in the Rocky Mountain West. The administration’s conservation strategy, by contrast, consists mainly of gestures, like Treasury Secretary John Snow’s pledge to ride the train to New York instead of flying the shuttle, and the Energy Department’s chirpy consumer-education program featuring a cartoon villain called Energy Hog. As we learned long ago when President Gerald Ford started passing out those WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons, a policy that rests solely on slogans and mascots is no policy at all. Obviously we can’t expect this administration to turn on a dime and start supporting big increases in automobiles’ fuel economy. But Mr. Bush has also ignored less controversial measures. Last month, Attorney General Eliot Spitzer of New York joined with the Natural Resources Defense Council and others in a suit against the […]

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