US Wind Industry Ends Most Productive Year
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The U.S. Air Force And Whole Foods markets lead the 2006 Green Power Top 25 list, released by the US EPA. The list includes a diverse set of U.S. companies, organizations and government institutions that have voluntarily bought the most renewable energy and are part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Green Power Partnership. EPA also announced its Green Power Partners are now purchasing more than 4 million megawatt hours of renewable energy, an increase of nearly 100 percent since the end of 2004. The U.S. Air Force once again leads the green power Top 25 list, purchasing more than 1 million MWh annually for Air Force bases across the country. Whole Foods Market surpassed both Safeway, Inc., and Johnson & Johnson to lead all corporate purchasers after increasing their purchase to more than 450 thousand MWh annually of renewable energy. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy follow the U.S. Air Force in purchase size for government institutions. Green power accounts for nearly two percent of America’s electricity supply, but voluntary purchasing of renewable energy is accelerating renewable energy development. The complete list of Top 25 EPA Green Power Partners is as follows, listed in order of purchase size: […]
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