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SolarWorld released provisional figures for Fiscal Year 2005, showing that groups profits hit 52 million EUR, almost tripling from the previous year (18 million EUR). Group sales grew over the previous year by more than 75 per cent reaching 355 (previous year: 199) million EUR. The return on sales improved to 15 (previous year: 9) percent. The return on equity of 24 (previous year: 14) percent reflects the increased profitability of the group business. As at 31 December 2005, the equity ratio amounted to 48 (previous year: 45) percent and emphasizes the group’s solid pattern of finance. Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciations and amortizations (EBITDA) increased in comparison with 2004 by 120 percent to 108 (previous year: 49) million EUR. The group result before interests and taxes (EBIT) climbed by 170 percent to 88 percent (previous year: 33 million EUR). The EBIT margin thus improved to 25 (previous year: 17) percent. All business units practiced consistent cost management to make a contribution to the high margin result. The group-wide growth has led to a further growth of employment. In comparison with the previous year the number of employees increased by 143 staff to 759 men and women until the end […]
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SatCon Technology Corporation (SATC) has been awarded a Phase I SBIR contract with NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center for development work on a superconducting machine for future hybrid and all-electric aircraft. SatCon’s Applied Technology division is developing a new technology superconducting machine with the goals of improved efficiency, reduced size, and reduced cost over competing superconducting machinery technologies. SatCon is pursuing a novel design approach that uses modified-Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) cryo-cooler technology and conventional drive technology. The initial design is targeted as a propulsion motor for unmanned all electric aircraft, but the technology is also suitable for hybrid electric aircraft as a main superconducting generator. This solution can also be considered for future marine applications as generators or propulsion motors. SatCon will collaborate with cryogenics systems experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to de-risk and develop the superconducting propulsion motor. For Phase II, SatCon will seek to collaborate with an aircraft manufacturer to develop a design prototype targeted for a specific aircraft application. SatCon’s President and COO, Millard Firebaugh stated, “Hybrid and all-electric aircraft, represent a path towards reduced dependence on foreign oil imports and a sustainable future for the aerospace industry, and SatCon is developing the enabling electric […]
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URL: http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article1917.html Website: http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article1917.html
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URL: http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article1919.html Website: http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article1919.html
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URL: http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/feb2006/2006-02-06-06.asp Website: http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/feb2006/2006-02-06-06.asp
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Powered by Renewables (PBR) of Nevada will partner with SunEdison of Maryland to develop the world’s largest solar photovoltaic (PV) project in Nevada. The 18 megawatt (MW) project almost doubles what is currently the world’s largest PV project (10MW) located in Germany. PBR and SunEdison will develop a total of 36 MWs of PV projects in Nevada, enough energy to power 36,000 homes. Construction in Clark County is expected to begin in July and at other sites in early 2007. “I’m pleased that PBR and SunEdison are teaming up to develop a world-class solar project using Nevada’s unrivaled solar resources,” said U.S. Senator Harry Reid. “These are the kinds of ventures we hope to repeat across the West, and the nation, as part of our drive for energy independence by 2020.” “Energy independence is an important strategy for our military,” said Tim Carlson, PBR’s President. “Because our project is powered by the sun, it reduces our dependence on foreign oil. And since energy from the sun is a free, sustainable, renewable resource, it also allows the military to control their energy costs. That’s important for tax payers,” he continued. The proposed project will be privately owned and operated. The military […]
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