Evangelical Leaders Call Global Warming a Crisis

A group of more than 85 influential evangelical leaders released a statement today expressing a biblically driven commitment to curb global warming and called on the government to enact national legislation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions that are contributing to global climate change. The document outlining theological and policy imperatives, issued by the Evangelical Climate Initiative, was signed by leaders of evangelical Christian denominations, mega-church pastors, Christian college presidents, and CEOs of major evangelical world relief organizations. The signers include author Rick Warren and the leaders of the two largest charitable organizations in the country: Rich Stearns, president of World Vision, and Commissioner Todd Bassett, national commander of The Salvation Army. Other signatories include denominational leaders Jack Hayford (Foursquare Gospel), Peter Borgdorff (Christian Reformed Church), and Berten Waggoner (Vineyard), as well as David Neff, executive editor of Christianity Today, and Duane Litfin, president of Wheaton College. Citing higher sea levels, more frequent heat waves and droughts, increased tropical diseases, and reduction in agricultural output as likely results of “even small rises in global temperature,” the statement declares: “This is God’s world, and any damage that we do to God’s world is an offense against God himself.” The statement, Climate Change: […]

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Five Million Acres of Great Bear Rainforest Protected

A coalition of four leading environmental groups yesterday, along with industry leaders and indigenous groups, celebrated success after a decade-long campaign to protect the globally unique Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia, Canada. This long-awaited Canadian government announcement protects one third of the Great Bear Rainforest from logging and will require the use of more sustainable logging practices for the remaining area. The agreement also sets a new precedent for decision making for local indigenous groups (First Nations), giving them the right to define what happens on their land. The total area protected from the chainsaw equals 5 million acres, twice the size of Yellowstone Park and equal to 6300 of New York’s Central Park. This total includes new and previous protection areas, plus special no logging zones. “Is it possible to balance economic interests, environmental protection and the hopes and dreams of communities? Today British Columbia proved that it is,” said Merran Smith, Director, BC Coast Program, ForestEthics. “This rainforest agreement provides a real world example of how people and wilderness can prosper together. And this is just the beginning.” ForestEthics, Greenpeace and Sierra Club of Canada, BC Chapter have worked toward this solution for almost a decade, using […]

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Hy-Drive's Hydrogen Generating System Available Commercially

Hy-Drive Technologies Ltd. (TSX-V: HGS) announced the commercial availability of its G2 hydrogen generating system (HGS). It has begun shipping and installing its first G2 units to selected trucking customers throughout North America. Hy-Drive’s new G2 system is designed to substantially improve fuel efficiency while being environmentally “friendly” by reducing exhaust emissions. “Now that we have completed our intensive testing protocols in the field, in the lab and in an SAE certified lab we are extremely pleased to announce the launch of our commercial product,” said Tom Brown, President & CEO of Hy- Drive Technologies Ltd. “It has taken a considerable length of time, a team of dedicated professionals and a significant amount of capital to get to the position we are in today. Hy-Drive is able to present an immediate solution to the escalating fuel costs and serious emission concerns, in the commercial trucking industry in North America”, Mr. Brown said. The Hy-Drive system works by injecting small amounts of hydrogen gas into the combustion chamber of a regular internal combustion engine. This creates an enriched air mixture and a more complete and faster burn of the diesel fuel, which results in reduced emissions, improved fuel efficiency and more […]

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