More Energy Efficiency Is All the Northwest Needs for 20 Years Of Electricity
No need for coal or new natural gas plants in the US Northwest. Greater energy efficiency will satisfy electric demand for the next 20 years.
No need for coal or new natural gas plants in the US Northwest. Greater energy efficiency will satisfy electric demand for the next 20 years.
Surprisingly, the top three cities are in Texas.
Because big fertilizer and industrial agriculture interests don't want it there.
For the past month, as fires rage in Indonesia, more greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere than produced by the entire US economy during that time, reports the World Resources Institute. That’s a startling fact. The fires are an annual event as companies illegally clear more of Indonesia’s precious rainforests for palm oil plantations and drain peatlands for pulp and paper production. Accounting for 85% of the country’s greenhouse gases, this year fires could catapult Indonesia to the world’s biggest emitter, from #5 now. 2015 could be the worst yet with about 95,000 fires so far, according to the Global Fire Emissions Database. Even worse, much of what’s on fire are peatlands, which hold some of the most concentrated carbon stores on Earth. Methane is also released. And this is in some of the most biodiverse areas left in the world. Widespread fires cause hazardous air conditions – choking haze – over much of Southeast Asia, affecting millions of people, and sending 500,000 for medical treatment this year. "As governments prepare to meet in Paris to save the world from catastrophic warming, the earth in Indonesia is already on fire," says Bustar Maitar, Indonesian Forest Project Leader for Greenpeace Southeast Asia. […]
The county wants to move ahead on efficiency and renewables, regardless of the state's freeze on these policies.
GreenWave is developing the world's first ecologically sustainable ocean farms.
Imagine if the final ozone rule went as far as the American Lung Association, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Thoracic Society, American Heart Association and others wanted!
14 African countries are joining Energy Africa to bring solar to the 620 million people who still lack access to electricity.
Even the most flexible, innovative power plant regulations won't prevent a long drawn out battle.
That's up from just 30,000 in 2006, and is helping the US to regain leadership on solar manufacturing.