Evergreen Signs $100M Contract with Solarstrom AG

Evergreen Solar, Inc. (ESLR) has entered into a four-year supply contract with S.A.G. Solarstrom AG (S.A.G.), based in Freiburg, Germany. The agreement calls for Evergreen Solar to ship approximately $100 million of photovoltaic modules to S.A.G. over the next four years. S.A.G. (SAG) builds and operates solar power stations, and sells the generated energy to corporations and utility companies. S.A.G. plans to use Evergreen Solar’s products to help satisfy the growing demand from those organizations. These products will be manufactured at Evergreen Solar’s plant in Massachusetts and at EverQ’s new 30-megawatt facility in Thalheim, Germany. EverQ is a strategic partnership between Evergreen Solar, Q-Cells AG of Germany and Renewable Energy Corporation ASA (REC) of Norway. Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     

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EMCORE Awarded DARPA Solar Cell Program Subcontract

EMCORE Corporation (EMKR) has signed a subcontract to participate in the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Very High Efficiency Solar Cell (VHSEC) program to more than double the efficiency of terrestrial solar cells within the next 50 months. EMCORE’s Photovoltaic division was selected by the University of Delaware, the prime contractor for the DARPA VHSEC program, to develop advanced III-V multi-junction solar cells in Phase I of the program effort. In later phases, EMCORE expects to develop a technology roadmap for enabling significantly lower fabrication costs for the very high efficiency solar cells. In connection with this subcontract award, EMCORE also has joined a consortium, formed by the University of Delaware (UD), to succeed in meeting DARPA’s program requirements for a high efficiency and low cost terrestrial solar product. The VHSEC program will provide up to $53 million in funding, which will be awarded to program participants in various phases over the next several years. The consortium is being led by Allen Barnett, principal investigator and research professor in UD’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Christiana Honsberg, co-principal investigator and UD associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. The DARPA VHSEC program is the largest in the history […]

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Conergy Reports Preliminary Results for 2005

According to preliminary figures, the Conergy Group has increased sales in 2005 by 86% to 530.2 million euros (2004: 284.8 million euros), thereby exceeding its set goal of 500 million euros. The after-tax results saw a disproportionate increase of 153% to 27.8 million euros (2004: 11 million euros). Conergy anticipates that detailed figures will be published at the end of March 2006. In 2006, Conergy intends to invest in the further internationalization of its distribution activities. The company will also expand its product range with a focus on renewable energy. Website: http://www.conergy.de     

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Conergy Reports Preliminary Financial Results for 2005

According to preliminary figures, the Conergy Group has increased sales in 2005 by 86% to ?530.2 million (2004: ? 284.8 million), thereby exceeding its set goal of ?500 million. The after-tax results saw a disproportionate increase of 153% to ?27.8 million (2004: ? 11 million). Conergy anticipates that detailed figures will be published at the end of March 2006. In 2006, Conergy intends to invest in the further internationalization of its distribution activities. The company will also expand its product range with a focus on renewable energy. Website: http://www.conergy.de     

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