What's Happening in India?
Investments in wind and solar are trending up again in India.
Investments in wind and solar are trending up again in India.
You can be sure they will invest in future environmental leaders.
Their Association for American Innovation will funnel dark money to their various political groups.
That's about 10% of the populace, remarkable considering solar was practically non-existant there a few years ago.
Using algae as an in-house energy source may sound futuristic, but probably will be established in 10 years.
The far-reaching plan focuses on road transportation, energy use in buildings and waste.
NYC is launching city-wide composting, starting with restaurants.
MIT researchers are developing concrete spheres that weigh thousands of tons each to store energy from offshore wind turbines.
All residents can now buy electricity from cow manure directly from the utility, Green Mountain Power.
It reached its solar target four years early and is now shooting for 1600 MW, which would power 240,000 homes.