Honda Breaks With Auto Industry in Call For Emissions Trading Waiver

American Honda Motor Company is calling on the federal government to create a special credit trading program for automobile emissions, according to comments the company filed with the Senate energy committee in advance of its recent highly publicized hearing on climate change. The company’s proposal appears at odds with the rest of the auto industry, which has declined to participate in several federal efforts to address climate change. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a coalition of U.S. and foreign automobile manufacturers, did not testify at the Senate hearing and, at the same time, is working to block consideration of climate change policies by an Environmental Protection Agency advisory committee reviewing overall air quality programs. An alliance spokesman says the industry has chosen to not participate in the advisory group’s discussion of climate change because automakers are engaged in a pending lawsuit challenging California regulation of greenhouse gases. Alliance member companies include Ford Motor Co., DaimlerChrysler, BMW Group, General Motors, Toyota, Mitsubishi Motors, Volkswagen, Mazda and Porsche. Honda is not a member of the alliance. The auto industry has long opposed any efforts to impose greenhouse gas controls on tailpipe emissions. So Honda’s proposal to the Senate energy committee maybe indicate […]

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Palo Alto Renewables Program #1 in U.S.

PaloAltoGreen, the renewable energy program offered by the City of Palo Alto Utilities, has achieved the nation’s highest participation rate, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 2005 Top Ten list. With 13.6% of utility customers enrolled, PaloAltoGreen has outperformed the national average of 1.3% participation for green pricing programs. This is the first year that PaloAltoGreen has achieved the #1 spot for best-in-nation participation. NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy’s primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. Each year, NREL releases “Top 10” rankings of the nation’s best performing renewable energy utility programs. Such programs allow electricity consumers to support electricity generated from renewable resources such as wind, biomass, and solar. The popularity of this green power option has far exceeded expectations. A key to PaloAltoGreen’s success has been the program’s innovative implementation and the community’s enthusiastic support. Offered through the City of Palo Alto Utilities in partnership with 3 Phases Energy, the program takes a community-oriented approach and tracks the tangible environmental benefits of participation. More than 100 businesses have committed to PaloAltoGreen, including major corporations such as Agilent Technologies, CV Therapeutics, HP, Lockheed Martin, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Roche Palo […]

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