UPS Brown Truck Turning Green

The US EPA and United Parcel Service (UPS) have partnered to develop the world’s most fuel-efficient, cost-effective delivery vehicle. The first of its kind UPS truck uses EPA-patented hydraulic hybrid technology that increases fuel efficiency by 60-70% in urban driving while lowering greenhouse gas emissions by 40%.Laboratory tests show that this hybrid technology has the potential to reduce fuel use by 1000 gallons a year per vehicle for package delivery vehicles, shuttle and transit buses, and refuse pickup. EPA estimates that upfront costs for the hybrid components could be recouped in fewer than three years for a typical delivery vehicle. The net savings over the vehicle’s lifespan could exceed $50,000, assuming current fuel prices.The vehicle features a full hydraulic hybrid powertrain and a unique hydraulic hybrid propulsion system integrated with the drive axle. Hydraulic motors and hydraulic tanks are used to store energy, in contrast to electric motors and batteries used in electric hybrid vehicles. Like other hybrid systems, energy saved when applying the brakes is reused to help accelerate the vehicle. Following a road tour of EPA Regional offices, the vehicle will be delivering UPS packages across Michigan this summer.The partnership is through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, which […]

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U.S. House Science Committee Passes Energy Legislation

By voice vote, the House Science Committee yesterday approved an energy package designed to spur new technologies related to clean coal, nuclear power, biofuels, advanced vehicles, solar and wind energy, and energy efficiency. Provisions of the bill, H.R.5656, Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2006, introduced by Energy Subcommittee Chairman Judy Biggert (R-IL), have been endorsed by the Edison Electric Institute, Dow Corning, DuPont, Johnson Controls, Inc., American Honda Motor Company, Alliance to Save Energy, American Chemical Society, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, American Institute of Architects, American Public Power Association, Association of American Universities, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. H.R. 5656 includes language that was originally in the following bills: H.R.5634, Advanced Energy Initiative Act of 2006, by Chairman Biggert; H.R.5633, Energy Efficient Buildings Act of 2006, by Chairman Biggert; H.R.5643, Energy Technology Transfer Act, by Chairman Biggert; H.R.5538, Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Act of 2006, by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX); H.R.5594, Solar Utilization Now (SUN) Demonstration Act of 2006, by Rep. Smith; and H.R.5644, Green Energy Education Act of 2006, by Rep. Michael T. McCaul (R-TX). “As I think everyone knows, having reliable, affordable, clean […]

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