A Revolutionary Eco-Friendly Coffee Cup

The first all-natural paper hot beverage cup available in consumer outlets nationwide was launched today by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and International Paper. In a conventional cup, the inner surface is lined with a petroleum-based plastic to prevent leaking. The cup unveiled today is lined with a bio-plastic made from a renewable resource – corn. After use, and under the proper conditions, it will break down into water, carbon dioxide and organic matter. “For 25 years, we’ve said that we craft our coffee with care. Now our cups are crafted just as carefully,” said T.J. Whalen, vice president of marketing for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. “These cups, made from fully renewable resources, are part of our corporate commitment to environmental stewardship.” “Consumers will notice no difference as they enjoy coffee with this cup – but the environment will,” said Austin Lance, VP/GM Foodservice Business of International Paper. “It’s the first in what will be a series of ecotainer(TM) products that reflect our company’s concern for the environmental footprint we leave behind.” The two companies have been working on the revolutionary cup for more than a year, including a blind market trial of nearly five million cups. Not only does the […]

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American Superconductor Signs $1.3M DoD Contract

American Superconductor Corporation (Nasdaq: AMSC) has received a $1.3 million contract extension for its second generation (2G) high temperature superconductor (HTS) wire from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The contract was awarded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This most recent extension represents the sixth contract or contract extension American Superconductor has received for 2G HTS wire development over just the last 10 months and brings the total dollar amount of all AMSC government contracts and contract extensions for this purpose to approximately $8.1 million in that timeframe. Targeted DOD applications for 2G HTS wire include ship propulsion electric motors and generators, degaussing cable systems, non-lethal weapons and power distribution systems for warships. AMSC is actively involved in developing components or systems for each of these applications. “The United States government continues to strongly endorse HTS wire and its applications,” said Greg Yurek, CEO, American Superconductor. “Department of Defense decision makers are aware of the revolutionary impact of HTS wire. Our current work with Northrop Grumman on the development of a 36.5MW motor is a perfect example. As a result of the inclusion of our wire, we are […]

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Millennium Cell Cartridges Included in New UN Regulations

New regulations for the commercial transport of sodium borohydride-based fuel cartridges for fuel cells were approved by the United Nations Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its semi-annual meeting in Geneva last week. Formal ratification by the full UN Committee of Experts is scheduled for December. “This approval will provide our licensees a clearer and more definitive pathway for shipping hydrogen batteries in bulk or small quantities. This UN action is also a key next step in the approval process for in-cabin passenger use of hydrogen batteries, especially as we and our partners continue to design and develop these products for use in consumer electronics applications,” noted Adam P. Briggs, Millennium Cell President. The model regulations will be used by countries around the world to establish shipping requirements for fuel cartridges containing sodium borohydride. The new UN shipping name, number and packaging instructions also will assist international air transport authorities in developing regulations to allow passengers to carry and use these cartridges on-board airplanes. Website: http://millenniumcell.com     

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UQM Awarded $749K US Air Force Contract

UQM Technologies, Inc. (Amex: UQM) has been awarded a $749,000 Phase II contract from the U.S. Air Force to develop electric wheel motors for aircraft ground support vehicles under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Work under the Phase II contract is expected to occur over a two year period. According to the company, the application of electric wheel motors to this category of vehicle has a number of significant advantages. The conventional driveline including the transmission and differential can be eliminated resulting in less complexity (gearing) and improved efficiency, which equates to greater run time per charge. Since each wheel is independently powered and controlled, the vehicle can have better traction through two or four-wheel drive, and most importantly, improved maneuverability and precision control which is critical in the close confines of aircraft on the tarmac. In addition, the development of compact electric wheel motors will potentially allow for their introduction on a wide range of commercial ground support and material handling equipment including forklift trucks and other warehouse vehicles. This contract is a follow-on to the Phase I contract awarded last summer, and provides for the development and delivery of an all-electric aircraft material handling vehicle. The […]

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FuelCell Energy Demonstrates Rapid Fuel Switch

FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NasdaqNM:FCEL), has completed a successful demonstration of its stationary power plants’ ability to switch rapidly between fuels, validating the systems’ capacity to guard against fuel supply interruptions from natural disasters or security issues at mission-critical facilities. Evaluated in conjunction with Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), operators of the Department of Defense (DoD) Fuel Cell Test and Evaluation Center (FCTec) in Johnstown, Pa., the power plant continued to generate base load electricity on a secondary fuel supply (propane) when the loss of its primary fuel source (natural gas) was triggered during testing. This rapid fuel switch was successfully demonstrated more than 40 times during operations exceeding 3000 hours. The R&D project is being sponsored by the federal government to demonstrate the “dual fuel” capability of Direct FuelCell (DFC) power plants. CTC is the primary contractor to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, involving its Engineer Research and Development Center’s Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL). FuelCell Energy and CTC operated a sub-megawatt DFC power plant on HD-5 propane fuel at full load achieving an electrical efficiency of 46 percent. The Johnstown plant continues to operate, having accumulated a total of 3060 hours on propane and generated 425 Megawatt hours (MWh) […]

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