China Wind Power Boom May Bust

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EPA Identifies Environmentally Friendly Computers

More than 60 desktop computers, laptops, and monitors from three manufacturers were recognized today as part of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded effort to identify high-performance, environmentally friendly computer equipment. All of the products meet the new EPEAT “green” computer standard and they are listed online in the EPEAT database. Compared to traditional computer equipment, all EPEAT-registered computers have reduced levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury to better protect human health and the environment. They are more energy efficient, which reduces emissions of climate changing greenhouse gases. They are also easier to upgrade and recycle. In fact, manufacturers must offer safe recycling options for the products when they are no longer useable. EPEAT products are identified as EPEAT-Bronze, EPEAT-Silver, or EPEAT-Gold depending on the number of optional environmental criteria incorporated in the product. Ed Pinero, the White House Federal Environmental Executive explained that “EPEAT is a great example of market-based environmental stewardship. It creates a powerful tool for purchasers to select environmentally preferable products and creates a clear set of rules for the manufacturers to follow to meet that demand.” “EPEAT makes it possible for purchasers to identify and buy green computers, laptops, and monitors,” said James Gulliford, […]

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Weekly Clean Energy Roundup:July 21, 2006

News and Events G8 Leaders Address Global Energy Security and Climate Change U.S. Fuel Economy for Cars and Light Trucks Holds Steady in 2006 IRS Certifies Honda Civic GX and GM Hybrids for Tax Credit Rhode Island Approves Bills to Encourage Efficiency and Renewables New Michigan Laws Promote Renewable Fuels and Biomass Energy Reports Note Benefits and Limitations of Using Biofuels Energy ConnectionsFirst Half of 2006 is Warmest on Record for the United States News and EventsG8 Leaders Address Global Energy Security and Climate ChangePresident George W. Bush joined the leaders of the seven other large industrialized democracies in a commitment to address global energy security and climate change at the G8 Summit on Sunday. The G8 leaders?representing the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia?adopted a Plan of Action that addresses a global energy security, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. The plan also notes that the G8 members “will continue to work to reduce greenhouse gases and deal effectively with the challenge of climate change,” listing a number of international initiatives to accomplish that goal. According to the plan, the Kyoto Protocol and other initiatives “are the foundation of our current efforts to address climate […]

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