Farmer Ownership Should Be Focus in Cellulosic Ethanol Industry

A report by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance urges the U.S. Department of Energy to change its piecemeal approach to commercializing ethanol from cellulose and develop a comprehensive strategy. “The future of American agriculture may depend on this,” says David Morris, Vice President of ILSR and author of “Putting the Pieces Together: Commercializing Cellulosic Ethanol.” Congress made clear its farmer and rural development focus in the Energy Policy Act (EPAct). It requires that projects “demonstrate outstanding potential for local and regional economic development.” In addition, EPAct requires that a priority be given to projects “that include agricultural producers or cooperatives of agricultural producers as equity partners in the ventures; and& have a strategic agreement in place to fairly reward feedstock suppliers.” The ILSR report proposes that DOE’s strategy take into account a key element of the Energy Policy Act: a mandate for 250 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol by 2013. ILSR argues that the various incentives contained in the Act — direct grants, loan guarantees and direct purchasing — will not significantly accelerate that time line. Therefore, ILSR has urged DOE to use the EPAct’s resources to achieve its qualitative goals: maximizing the benefits to the nation’s farmers and rural […]

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Wells Fargo Largest Corporate Purchase of Renewable Energy in U.S.

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) announced it will buy renewable energy certificates (RECs) to support generating 550 million kilowatt-hours of wind energy a year for three years. This makes the bank the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy in the US according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. The purchase will offset 40 percent of Wells Fargo’s electricity consumption with 100 percent Green-e® certified wind energy. “Our commitment to this purchase is not just good for the environment, it’s good business,” said Don Dana, head of the company’s Corporate Properties Group, which has achieved energy savings of up to 20 percent at many Wells Fargo locations. “Energy conservation is one part of the equation. The second is supporting generation of cleaner, alternative sources of energy. Combined, these efforts will result in a healthier environment and a stronger economy.” Wells Fargo recently invested in a Texas-based wind farm and has provided $720 million in financing to develop Leadership in Energy Efficiency and Design(i) (LEED) certified buildings. The company implements energy efficiency measures in its existing and new buildings. For example, replacing cooling equipment at Wells Fargo Plaza in Phoenix with high-efficiency equipment reduced the building’s energy consumption by nearly 30 […]

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Silicon vs. CIGS

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China's LDK Plans $300M Nasdaq Listing

Chinese solar manufacturer LDK Solar Hi-Tech says it plans to raise US$300 million in a Nasdaq IPO next year. Other Chinese solar companies planning to list in the US include solar cell maker Yingli Solar, which plans to raise US$400 million, Trina Solar Energy and Linyang Solarfun which plan to raise US$100-150 million. Shares in China’s Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. have surged 78% since it raised $396 million in a New York listing last December.

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