First-of-its-kind Way to Bring Renewables to the Grid Proposed

In a precedent-setting move that could have national implications, the California Independent System Operator Corporation (California ISO) filed with its regulator, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), to approve in concept a financing plan for transmission trunklines to remote locations in order to get green power from multiple users onto the grid. If the new payment mechanism is approved and implemented, it would be a first-of-its-kind means of removing financial barriers that can hinder development of wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy resources. Fostering these resources can help California achieve its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which requires most utilities in the state to obtain 20 percent of the electricity they deliver from environmentally-friendly resources by 2010. Unlike natural gas-fired power plants that can usually be built relatively close to existing high-voltage facilities, renewable generation is often built in remote areas. Said Rich Ferguson, research director for the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies, “If we’re going to use these assets to offset less environmentally friendly types of power generation, we need to be able to build the transmission lines that reach those remote locations.” Currently, transmission lines that connect one new generator to the grid (known as “gen […]

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USDA Announces $1.6B Plan for Renenewable Fuel Investment

The USDA announced plans to propose $1.6 billion in new funding for renewable energy, with a focus on cellulosic energy research and production, as part of the Administration’s 2007 farm bill proposals. This funding would support President Bush’s goal of reducing gasoline usage by 20% in the next ten years and would compliment an array of renewable energy-related efforts underway at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In his State of the Union Address, President Bush announced $2 billion in cellulosic production loan guarantees. The proposal for a Alternative Fuels Standard contains a requirement for sources produced by American farmers and ranchers as well as an automatic “safety valve” to protect against unforeseen increases in the prices of alternative fuels or their feedstocks. “It remains a priority across USDA to support the development of biofuels. We will continue to build on current programs and turn the corner on renewable energy,” said Johanns. “With biofuels coming to the forefront, American agriculture faces the greatest opportunity of a generation to lead a future in which we get our energy by the bushel and not by the barrel.” Examples of USDA projects underway and accomplishments to date: * issued a formal Request For Information […]

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MEMC Stock Hits $50

Silicon manufacturer MEMC Electronic Materials Inc. (WFR)) announced that profits more than doubled for the Q4 as compared to a year earlier – sales jumped 40%, thanks to increase pressure from the solar industry. For the fourth quarter, earnings were almost $129 million (56 cents per share), compared with $50.2 million (22 cents per share) a year earlier. Revenue was $420.5 million, up 39% from a year earlier, and gross margin was 48.3%. “Introduction of solar wafers has enabled opportunities for faster growth at equivalent or better profit levels,” CEO Nabeel Gareeb said. The company said that while demand from the semiconductor industry is mixed – some companies have inventory issues, compounded by seasonal factors – demand from the solar industry continues to rise. Management said inventories levels are at a historical low because of this demand, which they do not believe will lighten until 2008 at the earliest. The company expects that Q1 will be the low point in demand from the semiconductor industry, and expects to slow sales to the solar sector to meet that wafer demand. The company forecasts $440 million for Q1 07, ahead of analyst estimates of $424.7 million. For 2007, MEMC forecasts revenue of […]

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