China Not Sole Source of Dubious Food

By Andrew Martin and Griff Palmer Black pepper with salmonella from India. Crabmeat from Mexico that is too filthy to eat. Candy from Denmark that is mislabeled. At a time when Chinese imports are under fire for being contaminated or defective, federal records suggest that China is not the only country that has problems with its exports. In fact, federal inspectors have stopped more food shipments from India and Mexico in the last year than they have from China, an analysis of data maintained by the Food and Drug Administration shows. China has had much-publicized problems with contaminated seafood – including a temporary ban late last month on imports of five species of farm-raised seafood from China – but federal inspectors refused produce from the Dominican Republic and candy from Denmark more often. For instance, produce from the Dominican Republic was stopped 817 times last year, usually for containing traces of illegal pesticides. Candy from Denmark was impounded 520 times. By comparison, Chinese seafood was stopped at the border 391 times during the last year. “The reality is, this is not a single-country issue at all,” said Carl R. Nielsen, who resigned from the Food and Drug Administration in 2005, […]

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Kudzunol – A New Ethanol

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