Canada Wind Firm Expands to 1000 MW

Renewable energy developer Naturener Energy Canada Inc. has acquired West WindEau Inc., a Canadian wind energy development company. With the addition of West WindEau’s “Wild Rose” projects in Southeast Alberta, Naturener now has a portfolio of over 1000 MW of wind energy projects under development in Canada. “Since 2006, we have been active in identifying and acquiring high value wind energy resources in Canada. The development of 1000 MW of new wind generation will make a significant contribution to the renewable energy supply in Canada. With almost 15 years of experience in Spain and the USA power industry, these wind power projects expand and diversify our power generation portfolio,” said Rafael Sanchez-Castillo Lodares, Naturener Group CEO. “The addition of wind power in Canada” continued Sanchez-Castillo, “furthers our strategy of growth in the renewable power sector, and specifically strengthens our commitment to the North American market.” David Boileau, the controlling shareholder of West WindEau, said “We are very pleased that Naturener has acquired West WindEau Inc. Naturener is a proven, capable and experienced renewable energy company. The Wild Rose projects near Medicine Hat will soon be moving from the development stage to the construction phase and Naturener’s business development strategy and […]

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DOE Commits to Data Center Energy Efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with The Green Grid, to increase energy efficiency in the information technology sector. Because data centers are among the fastest growing industries in the U.S. they are critical to increasing energy efficiency, reducing load on the electricity grid, and enhancing data center reliability. Last year, data centers were estimated to have used 61 billion kilowatt-hours, or 1.5 percent of electricity in the U.S., projected to grow 12% a year through 2011. DOE and The Green Grid have set a goal of improving overall energy efficiency in data centers by 10% by 2011, factoring in current projected data center use. Approximately 10 billion kilowatt-hours would be saved, equivalent to electricity consumed by 1 million U.S. households annually. These energy savings would also reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6.5 million tons per year – equivalent to removing nearly 1.3 million cars from the road annually. The DOE-Green Grid MOU focuses on assisting data center operators and facilities to initiate and implement an energy management program and adopt clean energy and efficiency technologies. Specifically, the MOU identifies future activities DOE and The Green Grid may collaborate on to: develop a […]

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Top Ten Worst Polluted Places

U.S.-based Blacksmith Institute, an independent environmental group, in partnership with Green Cross Switzerland, has issued their Top Ten list of the world’s most severely polluted places. Overall, the Top Ten sites lie in seven countries and affect a total of more than 12 million people. The Top Ten list appears in Blacksmith Institute’s World’s Worst Polluted Places 2007, a report on the places where pollution most severely impacts human health, especially the health of children. The 2007 list contains four new sites – two in India, one in China and one in the republic of Azerbaijan – and six that carry over from the list which debuted in 2006. “The fact of the matter is that children are sick and dying in these polluted places, and it’s not rocket science to fix them,” says Richard Fuller, founder and director of Blacksmith Institute. “This year, there has been more focus on pollution in the media, but there has been little action in terms of new funding or programs. We all need to step up to the plate and get moving.” Killer Communities 2007 Blacksmith Institute’s Worst Polluted Places list for 2007 lists the Top Ten alphabetically by country because within the […]

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