Is Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. Going Shopping?

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Fair Trade Town, BioTown – Start Yours

In March of 2007, Reynolds, Indiana embarked on Phase II of its BioTown, USA project. The 550-person town is converting from reliance on fossil fuels to biomass-based fuels. Phase 1, completed the previous year, focused on educating residents about biofuels and increasing their use of corn-based ethanol and soy-derived biodiesel. During that time, residents purchased over 100 flex-fuel vehicles and the town replaced its fleet with vehicles that run on E-85 fuel. Biodiesel can be bought at the town’s only gas station, following a $400,000 renovation project that created “BioIsland.”Phase II involves construction of a facility with a suite of technologies including a manure-powered anaerobic digester; a gasifier that uses a high-temperature process to convert biomass into a synthetic gas; and a fast pyrolysis system, which uses high temperatures and an oxygen-free environment to convert biomass into a crude-oil substitute called pyrolysis oil. The methane, syngas, and pyrolysis oil can be burned as fuel to produce heat and electricity. The facility is expected to start producing power this year and will be completed in 2008. The is the first time the machinery will be used in a closed loop, self-sufficient system. The final phase will use another $10 million from […]

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Ecological Debt Day: One Planet Isn't Enough

October 6 marked Ecological Debt Day, the day when humanity consumed all the resources the planet will produce this year. Beginning in the mid -1980s, humanity’s Ecological Footprint became larger than what the planet can supply, and we have been adding more to our ecological debt each year, according to data from Global Footprint Network and UK-based New Economics Foundation. In 1996, humanity used 15% more resources than the planet could supply – Ecological Debt Day was in November. 11 years later, Ecological Dept day falls on October 6, because we’re now using 30% more resources than Earth can supply this year. “Humanity is living off its ecological credit card,” says Mathis Wackernagel, Executive Director of Global Footprint Network. “Just as spending more money than you have in the bank leads to financial debt, ecological overshoot, or using more resources than the planet can renew in a year, accumulates an ecological debt. This can go on for a short time, but ultimately it leads to a build up of waste and the depletion of the very resources on which the human economy depends.” Humanity’s use of nature has risen from using 50% of Earth’s biocapacity in 1961 to over 1.25% […]

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Toyota's Campaign to Undercut CAFE Undermines Green Reputation

Toyota’s green reputation has come under fire because of its opposition to a key provision in the Senate energy bill that would significantly improve vehicle fuel economy. The company is siding with the eight automakers that continue to fight stronger mileage rules. Toyota and the other automakers back the Hill-Terry bill in the House of Representatives that requires cars to average 35 mpg and trucks to get 32 mpg by 2022. The Senate approved a 35 mpg rule for all vehicles by 2020. Nissan and Honda are the only automakers in favor of the Senate bill.Nissan also has committed to a 40% reduction in global warming pollution from their products over the next 10 years, a more aggressive target than the Senate provision. In a company blog, Toyota Group’s vice president for corporate communications, Irv Miller, defended his company’s lobbying efforts, saying the company supports the Hill-Terry bill because they see it as the only bill that has a chance of passing. Says the Natural Resources Defense Council, “Toyota has overtaken GM as the world’s largest automaker, so if there’s an automaker that matters most in terms of leadership it’s Toyota. Says the Union of Concerned Scientists, “Rather than follow […]

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Martek Signs Worldwide Supply Agreement

Martek Biosciences Corp (Nasdaq: MATK), which makes omega 3 fatty acids from seaweed, is finally seeing its stock respond to positive announcements. The latest announcement is for a 10-year supply agreement with Abbott Nutrition, a worldwide producer of infant formula products. Martek will serve as Abbott’s exclusive worldwide DHA and ARA supplier for all of its infant formula products. Martek has been supplying DHA and ARA to Abbott for use in infant formula products under a 25-year license agreement signed in 2000 which remains in effect. In the new supply agreement, Abbott has committed to purchase all of its worldwide DHA and ARA requirements from Martek. Martek manufactures nutritional oils that contain the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA and ARA, both of which are naturally present in breast milk. Clinical studies have demonstrated benefits for infants receiving formula supplemented with DHA and ARA. Martek’s proprietary blend of DHA and ARA, marketed under the brand names life’sDHA(TM) and life’sARA(TM), is currently used in over 95% of U.S. infant formulas. Additionally, infant formula containing life’sDHA and life’sARA has been consumed by over 20 million infants in over 65 countries worldwide. Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     

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Sacramento Municipal Utility District Signs Solar Deals With Homebuilders

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and four homebuilders have inked agreements to build more than 1,900 SolarSmart homes in the SMUD service territory. SolarSmart is a SMUD brand that combines solar power and super energy-efficient features. In August, SMUD signed deals with Homes by Towne to construct 355 SolarSmart homes and with Centex homes to build 107. In May, SMUD and homebuilder Tim Lewis Communities signed a deal to build 183 solar-powered homes in three communities. In March, SMUD announced a partnership with Lennar Homes to build more than 1,200 solar homes, which represents the largest solar new homes partnership in the United States. Photovoltaic systems will be built into 1,254 new homes in 11 communities. In each of the agreements, SMUD provides funding to buy down the cost of solar and energy efficiency equipment in all the homes. Residents of these homes may save as much as 60 percent annually on their electric bills through the energy-efficient features and the solar roof tiles that generate electricity. The community benefits as well from these solar homes. Less electricity will be needed to serve the SolarSmart homes, especially at peak demand times, like hot summer days, when power is most […]

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