Weekly Clean Energy Roundup January 17, 2008

Interior Department Finds No Major Impact from Cape Wind Project GM, Toyota, and Fisker to Launch Plug-In Hybrids by 2010 Chrysler Unveils Electric-Drive Concepts and Diesels in Detroit Ford Vehicles to Employ the Fuel-Saving "EcoBoost" Engine Detroit Goes Small with Ford Verve, Daimler Smart Car Fuel-Cell-Powered Cadillac Provoq Unveiled at Electronics Show Report: Electric Utilities Investing Billions in Transmission Interior Department Finds No Major Impact from Cape Wind Project The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) has issued a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the Cape Wind Energy Project and finds no major environmental impacts from the proposed project. The MMS is the lead federal permitting agency for the Cape Wind project, a 468-megawatt wind power plant proposed for Horseshoe Shoal, a shallow part of Nantucket Sound located about five miles from the shore of Massachusetts. Cape Wind Associates, LLC first filed a permit application for the plant with the Army Corps of Engineers in November 2001, but the Energy Policy Act of 2005 shifted the permitting authority to the MMS. The company plans to begin construction on the project in 2009 and start operating the plant in 2009. The MMS filed the report with the U.S. Environmental Protection […]

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