Valence to Supply Additional 600 Battery Systems for Prius Conversions
Partnership with OEMtek producing plug-in hybrids with 30-47 mile single-charge range
Partnership with OEMtek producing plug-in hybrids with 30-47 mile single-charge range
PV solar integrator opens second U.S. office to serve west coast clients
New Builders Challenge Calls for 220,000 Efficient New Homes by 2012 Home Builders Launch New National Green Building Program Energy Star Commercial Buildings and Plants on the Rise DOE to Invest Up to $20.6 Million in Solid-State Lighting California Approves Feed-In Tariffs for Renewable Energy Systems DOE and Partners Test Enhanced Geothermal Systems Technologies Key Industries Cut Emissions Intensity by 9.4% in Four Years New Builders Challenge Calls for 220,000 Efficient New Homes by 2012 DOE launched the Builders Challenge last week, calling on the U.S. homebuilding industry to build 220,000 high-performance, energy efficient homes by 2012. 38 homebuilders have already pledged to build 6,000 high-performance homes under the new voluntary national program. DOE aims for 1.3 million of these high-performance homes to be built by 2030, allowing the owners of those homes to collectively save as much as $1.7 billion in energy costs while avoiding the greenhouse gas emissions equal to the emissions of 606,000 cars. DOE ranks all homes participating in the Builders Challenge on the EnergySmart Home scale, or E-scale, which rates a home based on its overall energy performance. Today’s typical new homes score 100 on this scale, while zero-energy homes, which produce as much energy […]
Company receives 3 separate orders for turbines; 3 MW offshore turbine returns to market after redesign of gearbox
Law requires computer, TV and MP3 manufacturers to take responsibility for the collection of their own electronic products
Business leaders sign tokyo declaration to tackle global warming and enact industry-wide change
Separate House and Senate bills propose longer extensions of renewable energy tax credits
Government calls on private sector to build 220,000 energy-efficient homes by 2012
Al Gore advises Wall Street leaders and institutional investors to ditch businesses too reliant on carbon-intensive energy
The waste from more than 100 nuclear reactors that the federal government was supposed to start accepting for burial 10 years ago is still at the reactor sites