Weekly Clean Energy Roundup March 5, 2008


DOE and USDA to Invest Up to $18.4 Million in Biomass Projects Venture Capital Firms to Work with Three DOE National Laboratories Daimler and GM to Launch Hybrids with Lithium-Ion Batteries Europeans Add Their Unique Style to Green Cars at Geneva New Mexico Act Requires Utilities to Save Energy DOE and USDA to Invest Up to $18.4 Million in Biomass Projects DOE and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced they will invest up to $18.4 million in 31 biomass research, development, and demonstration projects over the next three years. The projects will be run by a variety of universities and private businesses in 16 states and will focus mainly on developing improved crops for biofuel production and on researching cheaper ways to produce biofuels, bioproducts, and energy from a variety of sources. They will explore a diverse range of crops, including sugarcane and guayule, a desert shrub that produces rubber, and will employ some unusual conversion technologies, such as microwaves, liquid salts, and solar thermal energy. Of the $18,449,089 to be invested, $13,225,554 will be provided by USDA and $5,223,535 will be provided by DOE. See the list of all 31 projects in the DOE press release. Venture Capital […]

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