Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: April 2, 2008

DOE Selects 12 Solar America Cities to Receive up to $2.4 Million California Utility to Install 250 Megawatts of Solar Panels California Agency Reduces Zero-Emission Vehicle Requirements Northern California Utility Draws on Renewable Natural Gas FERC and Oregon to Coordinate Reviews of Wave Energy Projects Washington Nationals Start the Baseball Season in a New Green Park Boulder, Colorado, to be Nation’s First "Smart Grid City" DOE Selects 12 Solar America Cities to Receive up to $2.4 Million DOE announced last week its selection of 12 cities across the country as Solar America Cities. Each city will receive $200,000 (a total of $2.4 million) to integrate a variety of solar technologies, such as solar water heating, solar photovoltaic electric systems, and large-scale solar thermal electric systems (concentrating solar power). Combined with industry cost sharing and funding from each city, the total amount invested will be approximately $12.1 million. The 12 cities include Sacramento, San Jose, and Santa Rosa, California; Denver, Colorado; Orlando, Florida; the combined twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Knoxville, Tennessee; Houston and San Antonio, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In addition to the funding, DOE will also provide hands-on assistance from technical experts […]

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