Weekly Clean Energy Roundup April 23, 2008


"Operation Change Out" Spurs Efficient Lighting at Military Bases Three New Cellulosic Biorefineries to Receive $86 Million from DOE DOE Offers $7 Million for Biomass Pyrolysis Research DOE to Offer $10 Billion in Renewable, Efficiency Loan Guarantees DOE Presents an Earth Day Vision for Today and the Future EPA: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Dropped 1.1% in 2006 "Operation Change Out" Spurs Efficient Lighting at Military Bases In honor of Earth Day, DOE and the U.S. Department of Defense launched a new Energy Star campaign called "Operation Change Out," which will challenge military bases across the country to install Energy Star-qualified compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in their on-base housing. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman announced the new campaign at Camp Lejeune-a Marine Corps base near Jacksonville, North Carolina-as he screwed in the last of the 17,500 CFLs that have been installed in the camp’s military houses. Over their lifetime, the new CFLs at Camp Lejeune will prevent more than 7.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, while saving nearly 5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and at least $500,000 on energy bills. Energy Star is a joint program of DOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. There are more than 200 military […]

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Weekly Clean Energy Roundup: April 16, 2008


DOE Offers Up to $4 Million for Biomass to Biofuel Research Oil Companies, Universities Investigate Alternate Paths to Biofuels Vehicle Built by High School Achieves 2,843.4 Miles per Gallon Boeing Flies First Fuel-Cell-Powered Manned Aircraft Labor and Environmental Groups Launch a Green Jobs Campaign First Large Building-Integrated Wind Turbines Spin in Bahrain Two Proposals Aim to Pipe Natural Gas from Alaska DOE Offers Up to $4 Million for Biomass to Biofuel Research DOE released a solicitation last week that offers up to $4 million for university research into cost-effective, environmentally friendly ways to convert biomass into biofuel, which creating biomass jobs. 12 U.S. universities will be selected for funding, and each of them will contribute a minimum of 20% of the cost share, resulting in about $4.8 million being invested in these projects. The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks projects that improve the conversion of biomass to advanced biofuels through biochemical, thermochemical, and chemical processes and is focused on lowering production costs and increasing yields and productivity. While the FOA is mainly focused on conventional biomass sources, it also includes the enhanced production of oils from algae. Applications are due on June 2. See the DOE press release and the […]

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