Interface, Ormat on Verge of Joining SB20 Core

With the release of the 2008 Sustainable Business 20 List (SB20), two firms stand at the threshold of joining the "Core List" of companies, knighted for their continual leadership on the path towards a sustainable society. Green building company Interface, Inc. (Nasdaq: IFSIA) and renewable energy company Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ORA) have been named to the SB20 List in each of the last three years. If they are nominated a fourth time in 2009 they will join an elite list of companies with SB20 Core status, admired internationally not only for their ongoing sustainability initiatives, but also for their strong management and balance sheets. The list of Core companies, who have made the SB20 list at least four times, includes: Canon (NYSE: CAJ) Electrolux (ELUXA.ST) Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (Nasdaq: GMCR) Herman Miller (Nasdaq: MLHR) Novozymes (NZYM.CO) Precious Woods (PRWN.SWX) STMicroelectronics NV (NYSE: STM) Vestas Wind Systems (VWS.CO) Whole Foods Market (Nasdaq: WFMI) Before Green Was Golden The "Green" movement has taken off over the last two years. Whether it’s primarily a marketing trend with an expiration date or a permanent shift in corporate sensibility has yet to be seen. But one thing is for certain: the list of contenders […]

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