Filmmakers Implore Voters On Climate Change

Published on: November 2, 2016

Films on climate change have been rolling out in advance of the election, ringing the alarm bells about Trump.

National Geographic has designated this week “Earth Week“, airing environmental programming in 171 countries and 45 languages.

This past weekend, the second season of Years of Living Dangerously began and will be shown on Wednesdays at 10 PM EST. After covering climate change around the world in Season 1, this next series focuses on renewable energy solutions.


Immediately after that, Nat Geo debuted Leonardo DiCaprio’s Before the Flood and is making it available for free across the Internet at most streaming sites from YouTube to Amazon, Twitter and iTunes. National Geographic is also bringing it to 250 colleges, and religious institutions via Interfaith Power and Light.

“In our minds, there is no more important story to tell, no more important issue facing our planet than that of climate change,” says Courteney Monroe, CEO of National Geographic Global Networks. We are committed to ensuring as many people as possible see this film as we head into U.S. elections.”

“We need to use our vote. We cannot afford to have political leaders out there that do not believe in modern science, or the scientific method, or empirical truths,” explains DiCaprio.

It’s interesting that Nat Geo is now owned by 21st Century Fox.

Michael Moore has also come out with a film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand, which became #1 on iTunes within hours of being released. You can also watch it on YouTube and it is being aired in theaters in 61 US cities and as hourlong specials in 13 countries, including the UK, France, Netherlands, Spain, Israel, New Zealand and Australia.

“Donald Trump, along with his name, has also put misogyny, racism, sexism and greed on the ballot — making next Tueday’s election a national referendum on all of this madness. Once and for all, we can say “enough!” I think it is absolutely mission critical that we defeat him and everything he stands for — and not just by a point or two, either. By a LANDSLIDE.  But at this moment in time – 6 days out from Election Day – I’m worried that many of my fellow progressives are not up to that challenge, or they are simply lacking the sense of urgency to see what’s in front of us. And it scares the crap out of me,” says Moore.

Read our article, Scientists Call Out Trump for Denying Climate Change,

Want to find out where your candidates stand on climate change? Check out #VoteClimate:

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