Bring-Back-Jobs-Trump Cited for Union-Busting

Published on: November 4, 2016

With the polls in a dead heat for the presidency, one of Trump’s greatest lies – that he’s all about bringing back well-paying jobs – is illuminated, but it’s doubtful voters will pay attention to it even if they hear about it.

After all, the fact that Trump Ties are made in China doesn’t seem to matter – or that he’s ripped off countless small businesses. – or that he hired illegal immigrants to get cheap labor – or that he bought all his steel from China. All he has to say are the “words” – I will bring jobs home.

So the fact that he’s been completely unwilling to even bargain with the union at Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas won’t matter either.

This week, the National Labor Board ruled, “We find the Respondent’s conduct constitutes an unlawful failure and refusal to recognize and bargain with the Union.” They ordered Trump to immediately post notices at the hotel citing the violation and to begin negotiating a contract with the union.

So far, this hasn’t even received a mention by the mainstream media.


When the 500 employees began forming a union last year, Trump hired a “union avoidance” consulting firm, known for preserving “union-free workplaces.” The firm used intimidation to prevent employees from organizing, telling them they would lose their jobs and be on a blacklist if they voted to unionize, reports ThinkProgress.

After the union formed, Trump fired one of the leaders and denied a promotion to another. For that, Trump paid an $11,000 fine, and was forced to rehire the employee and pay both back-wages.

So, how much does Trump care about peoples’ jobs and wages? Employees at Trump International Hotel earn $3 per hour less than other Las Vegas hotels and don’t get health insurance benefits.

Oh yes, Trump is also against raising the minimum wage.

And what about all of Hillary’s emails he loves to rant about? “Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders,” reports Newsweek. “In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled – sometimes in vain – to obtain his records.”

Sounds like the taxes we’ll never see from Trump.

And while he insists Hillary is under criminal investigation and should go to jail – something no other candidate has ever done – Trump is the one under investigation: he goes on trial for scamming people who paid for Trump University in late November.

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