One Last Push For Obama to Veto GMO Dark Act

Published on: July 28, 2016

President Obama is expected to move on the DARK Act any day now – will he sign it or veto it?

In one last push, activist groups are running a full-page open letter to Obama in the Philadelphia Inquirer, where the Democratic National Convention is taking place.

The open letter signed by 287 groups, asks for four simple words clearly written on the package, “Produced
with genetic engineering.”

It describes the problems with the fake GMO labeling bill and asks Obama to keep his 2007 campaign promise, “we’ll
let folks know if their food has been genetically modified
because Americans should know what they are buying.”

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Find out how your Representative and Senators voted.

For the background on this bill, read:

Unbelievable! Last Ditch Effort to Prevent Vermont GMO Labels

Senate GMO Bill Creates Harsh Divide In Organic Community

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