Conservative Super Pac Targets Environmental Leaders For Smear Campaign

Published on: May 23, 2016

America Rising PAC, which produces research that can disparage and take down Democrats, has formed a “social welfare” (501(c)(4))  nonprofit arm to go after climate activists.

Called America Rising Squared (double the impact!), its charge is to “advance conservative solutions and fight liberal policies and the networks supporting them.”

The group is pouring “unprecedented” resources into a campaign usually reserved for high-profile Democrats, to target Bill McKibben, Tom Steyer, and other leaders of the US climate movement they call the Environmental Left.

“The push will include deployment of trackers with video cameras to follow the activists, a significant effort to research them and their work, a six-figure digital ad campaign focused on social media, and a website – – that serves as a hub for the group’s content,” reports Politico.


Bill-McKibbon“I’m of course flattered that our work has exposed the fossil fuel industry enough that they feel the need for this kind of personal attack — but as usual, the real news is the lengths they will go to avoid talking about the greatest issue of our time, their ongoing wreckage of the planet’s climate, and in the process so many of its people,” says Bill McKibben, founder of

“The fossil fuel industry and their allies are continuing to pour resources into sowing doubt and targeting those fighting for climate justice,” says May Boeve, Executive Director of


Tom Steyer‘s NextGen Climate Action super PAC recently announced a $25 million get-out-the-vote campaign to mobilize Millenials in swing states on climate and energy issues.

A typical smear message from America Rising Squared recycles the one used against Al Gore: “Tom Steyer made a fortune investing in oil and coal, and now he’s dumping an unprecedented amount of money into political causes which promise to increase the value of his latest investments in green energy.

“Our mission is to hold environmental groups accountable by exposing their extreme rhetoric and highlighting their hypocrisies. Core News will do this by featuring the latest news, digging through public records, and uncovering video of environmental group activities, says the About Us page.

Brian Rogers is Executive Director of America Rising Squared. A former spokesperson for John McCain (S-AZ), he called out candidate Senator Obama for living in “a frickin’ mansion” and an “arugula-eating, pointy-headed professor type.”

Incredibly, Rogers also had a brief stiint as research director of Al Gore’s non-profit, Alliance for Climate Protection. When he took the job in early 2009, he said he would be “working to pass comprehensive energy and climate change legislation.”


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