Watch Catching the Sun on Netflix

Published on: April 22, 2016

In honor of Earth Day, a documentary on potential of solar energy debuts tonight on Netflix, "Catching the Sun."

Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, the film shows how solar can address both climate change and income inequality, and how people can take power generation into their own hands. And it offers a glimpse into the future of energy.

It provides "an eye-opening look at workers and entrepreneurs on the forefront of the clean energy movement that will transform, and enliven the way you see the future. What is clear is the wonderful opportunity the transition to clean energy represents," says actor Mark Ruffalo.

Solar Documentary

"The oil economy has created monopolies and concentrated wealth and power in the hands of the few. I am fascinated by the idea that solar can democratize and decentralize energy in a way that rebuilds the ladder of economic opportunity," says Shalini Kantayya, Director.

To build on the film, she is launching the Suncatcher video campaign, to raise public understanding of the complexities involved with America’s transition to clean energy. "It will take on the startling gap in awareness among citizens about the long-term efficiency and affordability of solar, hoping to engage and empower local communities across the US to access and advocate for solar energy.

Watch the trailer and learn more:

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