Creating a Green, Profitable US Post Office

Published on: March 24, 2016

by Rona Fried

As you may know, there’s a quiet, ongoing push in the US to privatize the US Postal Service (USPS) – and schools, and even air traffic control – but lawmakers like presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are against these moves.

Imagine a public postal service that “delivers the sustainable infrastructure of the next economy” by delivering food from farmers straight to homes, finances green energy, checks in on seniors and provides coast-to-coast charging stations for electric cars.

“Our post office can deliver” the “equitable, climate-friendly economy,” says a report. The USPS and its vehicles would be powered by renewable energy. It could sign people up for community-owned wind and solar projects across the country, and make banking much more affordable for people in rural areas, in addition to the profitable service it currently provides delivering packages.

A partial view of a 2 1/2 acre green roof on top of USPS’s distribution center in NYC. When built in 2009, it was one of biggest in the country:


Green Roof Post Office

While all this certainly could apply to the USPS, these proposals are from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, which faces similar pressures.

Read my full article at The Hill:

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