What's In Obama's 2017 Budget: Energy & Environment

Called "dead on arrival" by the Congressional majority, President Obama faces the usual stone wall (and pure lack of respect) as he releases his last budget – for 2017.

His budget invests in our future, lifting everyone up, rather than focusing on draconian cuts that, in our view, sap our economy and society. And it still reduces the deficit by $2.9 trillion over 10 years.

It addresses our most urgent problems, such as income inequality and climate change, a non-starter for Republicans.

Obama Budget 2017

On the environmental side, the budget:

  • Doubles funding for clean energy R&D, as 20 nations promised to do under Mission Innovation at the Paris Climate Summit. It starts with a 20% increase in 2017 to $7.7 billion and the rest is phased in over five years.

    Another $14.6 billion is allocated for basic research, $900 million more than current levels – for the National Science Foundation, Energy Department’s Office of Science, and National Institute of Standards & Technology.

  • $1.3 billion to accelerate adoption of energy efficiency technologies and renewable energy.
  • The nation’s first carbon tax, which funds a 21st century low-carbon transportation system.
  • Eliminate $4 billion a year for fossil fuel subsidies, as last year’s budget does – while expanding the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
  • Power+Plan helps coal-mining communities diversify their economies, job training and other services to help people find new work. Accelerates clean-up of hazardous abandoned coal mine lands and provides incentives for clean coal technology development.
  • Invests in programs that increase climate resilience and our understanding of projected impacts, from wildfires to floods and droughts.
  • Returns full funding to the Land and Water Conservation Fund and makes it permanent.

  • $2 billion to improve water infrastructure across the country, and $260 million for investments in water conservation and R&D for innovative new water technologies.

Budgets for EPA, DOE and Interior are slightly higher, but not much, after the big cuts they have absorbed under a Republican Congress.

Here’s a summary and the budget, divided into subject categories for easy reading:
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