Mount Rushmore Gets a Lighting Retrofit

Published on: June 17, 2015

Even Mount Rushmore is benefiting from the LED lighting revolution.

Its new lighting system – which allows visitors night viewing – shows off the many advantages of LEDs. The Presidents’ faces will be clearer than ever using 90% less energy, while making sure the night sky remains dark for nocturnal wildlife. 

The lights project 1100 feet onto the iconic sculpture, while minimizing light pollution and sky glow. Using LEDs, light can be directed very precisely and advanced optical controls highlight the aesthetics of the monument, while keeping surrounding areas dark.

Mount Rushmore Smaller

"The system dramatically enhances the rendering of the memorial’s fine-detailed sculpture with pinpoint light control, presenting a theater-like impression for the memorial’s over two million annual visitors. The system’s instant on/off/dimming capabilities provide opportunities for special effects during presentations and events," explains Musco Lighting, which designed the system.

Musco has also designed lighting systems for the Washington Monument, White House, Statue of Liberty, and the east span of  San Francisco’s Bay Bridge.

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