More On India's Staggering Solar Growth, Investors Pledge Double

Published on: March 2, 2015

by Rona Fried

Since I wrote about the staggering growth in solar planned for India, there have been even more developments.

While many are skeptical that India will meet its amazing goal of 100 GW of solar by 2022 (and 60 GW of wind), potential investors have already pledged enough money to double that! Even if only half the $200 billion comes through, the country will meet the target, says Energy Minister Goyal.

At last month’s RE-Invest 2015 conference – the first major renewable energy conference in India – Goyal said, "The government stands committed to making renewable energy India’s gift to the world."

India Conference

There are now four super-sized solar plants moving forward: a 750 MW project; the 4 GW Sambhar Ultra Mega Green Solar Power Project; a 6 GW project and a 10 GW project.

To give you an idea of how much solar that is – the 6 GW project in the state of Rajasthan equals all the conventional power there. It will be built by Reliance Energy – which could be the first major fossil fuel company to switch to clean energy.

"Imagine the signal it would send to the world if India were able to achieve its goal of bringing electricity to every household that lacks it, largely using clean solar power – at a fraction of the cost of the conventional grid," said former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg during his keynote at the conference. "It would be a success story told – and copied – around the world."

What does all of this show?  We can turn this hulking fossil-fuel-based society around. What’s required is the vision, the will, and the leadership.

Read my full column at The Hill:

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Comments on “More On India's Staggering Solar Growth, Investors Pledge Double”

  1. Pankaj

    That’s a great news. Besides india is one of the best place receiving highest amount of solar radiation across the world; roughly twice then most of European counties and Russia. And it is well on the tracks to capitalise these opportunities. Besides 1/8 economy of china and 1/15 economy of usa solar ambitions are almost equal that reflects the intention of prime minister modi


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