Have HBO? Watch VICE for Insights on Climate Change & Those That Deny It

Published on: March 6, 2015

If you subscribe to HBO, the new season of VICE starts tonight with climate change as the agenda.

The first episode, "Our Rising Oceans," is on sea level rise and climate change more generally, and ends with an interview with Vice President Joe Biden.

VICE travels to the West Antarctic ice sheet and Bangladesh
– ground zero for sea level rise, and then covers some of the recent climate events: the UN Climate Summit, NYC’s People’s Climate March and Heartland Institute’s annual climate denying conference, notably called the International Conference on Climate Change!

When asked about members of Congress who deny climate change, Vice President Biden says, "It’s almost like denying gravity now… the willing suspension of disbelief can only be sustained for so long."

If you haven’t seen VICE, it’s very intense. The producers dig deep, bringing you reporting you won’t see in many places.


Curious whether your Congressional Reps and/or Senators deny the science of climate change? President Obama’s activist group, Organizing for America has put together a searchable list:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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