GMO Dark Act Gets Hearing in Congress

Published on: December 10, 2014

Right now, the House Energy & Commerce Committee is holding a hearing on FDA’s role in regulating and labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the US food supply.

Also right now, there are protests outside the building from GMO labeling advocates.

While we wonder why this hearing is occurring just before the end of the year, it is about the DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right-to-Know), HR 4432, sponsored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS). His donors include big food companies like General Mills and the Koch brothers.

GMO Pompeo Dark Act

Passing this bill would be the greatest gift to Monsanto and other biotech firms and Big Food companies that back the Grocery Manufacturers Association.

No longer would they have to worry about states passing laws that require GMO labels. The legislation nullifies laws already passed in Maine, Vermont and Connecticut, and preempts any other states from passing such laws – as well as the federal government.

Rather, it codifies FDA’s current voluntary labeling system (in place since 2011, with zero takers), which would also allow foods that contain GMOs be labeled "natural."

You can watch the hearing from your computer.

Contact your Representative and tell them you want GMO labels on food and that you are firmly against the Dark Act:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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