Ferguson Protestors Get Organic Thanksgiving Meal, After Visit With Monsanto

Published on: November 25, 2014

In the wake of the decision in Ferguson, Missouri, at least protesters will get a good meal.

I got I kick out of reading that protesters will be served an organic Thanksgiving feast by Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir when they conclude their own rally at nearby Monsanto world headquarters.

"After a banner year performing in the United States and Europe to bring attention to the role of big corporations in climate disruption and poisoning of honey bees, Reverend Billy will conclude 2014 by confronting the company that is responsible for Agent Orange, PCBs, GMOs, Bovine Growth Hormone, Glyphosate and more," he says.

Rev. Billy!

Monsanto Reverend Billy

"Monsanto must be stopped," says Reverend Billy, who has been jailed more than 50 times protesting social and environmental injustices. "Monsanto is the devil and what better day than Thanksgiving to remind the world that eating local, organic food is one way to stop this profit-mongering, biodiversity-destroying monopoly."

Four more shows of "Monsanto Is the Devil" are scheduled this year in New York City and Detroit with the Not Buying It band!

"Despite its various marketing incarnations over the years, Monsanto is a chemical company that got its start selling saccharin to Coca-Cola, then Agent Orange to the U.S. military, and, in recent years, seeds genetically engineered to contain and withstand massive amounts of Monsanto herbicides and pesticides," says Ronnie Cummins, executive director of Organic Consumers Association. "Monsanto has become synonymous with the corporatization and industrialization of our food supply."

Follow #NoMonsanto on Twitter to keep up with the fun, and learn more about Rev. Billy:

Website: http://www.revbilly.com/     
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