New Federal Rule Should Benefit LEED Certification

Published on: October 14, 2014

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced a new regulation for all federal buildings that pursue green building certification.

To strengthen energy management and energy efficient design, DOE will require – starting November 13 – on-going verification of energy and water use for all new and retrofitted certified buildings.

By requiring re-assessments at least every four years, the rule  ensures that energy and water savings continue well beyond the initial building opening or retrofit, they say. EPA’s Energy Star Portfolio Manager must be used as the sole benchmarking tool.

DOE will also soon release guidelines that help agencies prioritize which buildings should be metered first to provide those measurements. 

Given that the government – for the first time – shows no preference for LEED over the industry-friendly Green Globes, perhaps this will force the latter to strengthen their certification system.

Green Building LEED-Platinum DC

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