Hawaii's Auction Challenges Energy Efficiency Innovators

Published on: September 4, 2014

To boost innovations in energy efficiency, Hawaii Energy is conducting the first efficiency auction we’ve heard of.

Open to companies that offer efficiency services and property managers and developers, they will compete for $2.1 million in funding that offsets project costs.  

Proposed projects must reduce energy consumption and deliver one or more of the following: 

  • Improved cost-effectiveness compared to existing Hawaii Energy offerings
  • Increased energy efficiency in high energy consumption and/or hard-to-reach geographic areas
  • Mass installations of specific energy efficiency technologies or offerings.

Projects can either target specific target markets such as renters (residential or commercial) or offer new technologies not currently offered by Hawaii Energy.  

Hawaii Energy

"With our new Efficiency Auction, we’re calling on industry professionals to demonstrate their ingenuity and market savvy to bring additional energy-saving solutions to electric customers," says Ray Starling, Program Director at Hawaii Energy.

Applications have to be in by September 29 and winning projects will be announced on October 17. Preference will be given to projects that can be completed by June, 2015, but longer duration projects will be considered. 

Hawaii Energy is the state’s ratepayer-funded energy conservation and efficiency program which like many US programs, offers cash rebates and other incentives to residents and businesses to encourage switching to energy-efficient equipment and appliances.

This year Hawaii Energy began mailing reports to customers that compares their electricity consumption to neighbors, based on research that shows the effectiveness of peer comparisons. 
The state has also signed energy savings performance contracts with the goal of doubling the efficiency of state and Honolulu County buildings by 2015.

Hawaii’s goal is to cut electricity demand 30% by 2030 while increasing the share of renewable energy to 40%. 

Learn more:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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