Target Reaches 1000 Energy Star Stores

Published on: August 19, 2014

Target now has 1,000 stores certified to EPA’s Energy Star standards, the most of any retailer in the US.

Its goal is for at least 75% of stores (1400) to be certified by the end of next year. 

Most of the energy efficiency measures implemented are pretty basic, showing how small things make a big difference:

  • Remote energy management system at a Minnesota store 
  • Low-wattage light fixtures reduce energy consumption by 40%
  • LED lights and motion sensors in refrigerators; walk-in freezers have alarms that go off if a door is left open;
  • Low-flow faucets in restrooms
  • Cool roofs that reflect sunlight

Two stores in California run on fuel cells, and the company is slowly moving to rooftop solar – on 200 stores by 2020. 

Target logo

Energy Star certification differs from LEED in that building performance is compared to other similar buildings. Energy Star buildings rate in the top 25% of their peers. An average Target store uses less energy than four out of five typical retail buildings.

Read our article, Target Moves to Raise Sustainability of the Products It Sells.

Learn more about Target’s Sustainability goals including transportation, packaging, and carrying organic food and sustainably-sourced seafood:

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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