Polls: Climate Making Its Way Back to Top the Charts

Published on: June 4, 2014

Polls this week, taken to gauge the public’s reaction to EPA’s announcement on power plant regulations, show that voters are tired of anti-climate science rhetoric and they widely support reigning in emissions.

When asked if they would vote for a Presidential candidate in 2016 who doesn’t believe in climate change or that humans are causing it, 62% say "No." Independents, in particular, have little tolerance for that, with 71% saying "No."

By 56% to 33%, voters say they put more stock in what  scientists say than other sources on climate change – 57% to 27% for Independents. The poll was conducted by Public Policy Institute.

Climate Denial Head in Sand

A Washington Post-ABC News poll, finds that concern about climate change is growing dramatically. 57% of Americans call climate change of Very Serious Problem and 69% a Serious Problem. 75% of Democrats view it as a very serious problem, compared with 33% of Republicans.

70% of Americans support EPA’s new rules on power plants –  79% of Democrats, 76% of Independents and 57% of Republicans. Even among the Tea Party, 50% want federal caps on emissions imposed, while 45% do not.

And what if lowering greenhouse gas emissions adds $20 to your monthly utility bill? 63% still want regulations – 71% of Democrats, 64% of Independents and 51% of Republicans.

Even in coal-dependent states, citizens want action, with 69% saying the government should limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Approval for federal control over power plant emissions isn’t new. Since 2009, Washington Post-ABC News polls have shown that 65%-75% of respondents support limits.

Here’s the poll:

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