Climate Change Gets a Super-PAC

Published on: August 26, 2013

A new super-PAC is forming to support candidates for office that prioritize the issue of climate change – "Climate Hawks Vote." 

It’s time for politicians to make climate change a first-tier issue, not just one among on a long laundry list, they say. "We vote. We will work to elect leaders who will act on the greatest challenge to humanity’s next few generations."

The group says it’s non-partisan and would support a Republican, but since only Democrats show any interest in climate change, that’s where they are focused.

Climate Hawk SuperPAC

"Too many Democratic politicians consider climate to be just another issue bubbling below the surface of top priorities, and too many Democrats are willing to excuse Democratic politicians who tout their states’ coal and oil resources as long as they’re good on other issues," co-founder RL Miller, Chair of California’s Democratic Party’s environmental caucus, told The Hill.

Climate Hawks Vote is looking at state and national races.

Along with supporting top candidates that will push hard on climate change, the PAC also wants to engage and educate voters, and train people who are interested in running for office, Miller told The Hill.

Hunter Cutting,  Director of Strategic Communications at Climate Nexus, is the other founder. 

Here is the Advisory Board:

  • Becky Bond, CREDO Mobile
  • Darcy Burner, TerraHeating
  • Richard Graves, Ethical Electric
  • Van Jones, Crossfire on CNN
  • Tom Matzzie, Ethical Electric
  • Bill McKibben,
  • James Rucker, Color of Change
  • Jigar Shah, Carbon War Room 

In related news, non-profit is petitioning the World Meteorological Organization to name hurricanes after climate-denying politicians, rather than just choose random names.

The idea is to increase awareness of the link between extreme storms and climate change. So instead of Hurricane Sandy it might be called Hurricane Inhofe – since there are over 200 in Congress, they won’t run out of names. 

"As scientific evidence shows that climate change is creating increasingly frequent and devastating storms, and with climate scientists declaring these extreme weather events as the new normal, we propose a new naming system. A system that names extreme storms caused by climate change, after the policy makers who deny climate change and obstruct climate policy."

Sign the petition if you like the idea! There’s also a list of deniers with their voting record:

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