Mexico Unveils National Climate Change Strategy

Published on: June 11, 2013

Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto has unveiled a National Climate Change Strategy that he says will lead to "green growth" in the country.

The plan is focused on "eight axes of action" along with increasing research, promoting environmental issues and international cooperation.

Also, the government is taking a big step forward on pricing –  subsidies for electricity and water will gradually be removed so that prices reflect their real costs, including the environmental damage involved in their provision, Peña said.

And although vulnerable groups will receive support, the price for energy will be set based on life cycle analysis that includes greenhouse gas emissions.

Mexico President pena

Mexico ranks #11 in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.

The eight axes are:

  • FIRST. Reduce vulnerability to climate change of Mexicans living at risk and strengthen their resilience.
  • SECOND. Reduce the vulnerability of production systems and strategic infrastructure against weather contingencies.
  • THIRD. Foster adaptability of ecosystems to the effects of global warming.
  • FOURTH. Accelerate energy transition towards clean energy sources.
  • FIFTH. Reduce power consumption intensity through efficiency and rationality schemes.
  • SIX. Transition to sustainable city models, with intelligent mobility systems, integrated waste management and buildings with a low carbon footprint.
  • SEVEN. Encourage better agricultural and forestry practices, with schemes for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD Plus).
  • EIGHT. Reduce "short life" pollutant emissions, such as black carbon and methane, to improve the health and welfare of Mexicans.

He also announced short term measures to support "Green Growth," such as regulations that cut carbon emissions in new cars and creating an Environmental Quality Commission for Metropolitan Areas.

Environmental damage is costing Mexico an astounding 7% of  GDP, while barely .6% of GDP currently is generated from green technologies, the government says.

This new strategy builds on the previous President’s National Climate Change Legislation, enacted last year. Among other important provisions, it sets a national goal of cutting emissions 50% below 2000 levels by 2050 and targets 35% of electricity from renewable energy by 2024. It set the stage for national carbon trading and includes goals for states to reverse the trend of deforestation.

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Comments on “Mexico Unveils National Climate Change Strategy”

  1. Renewable Guy

    It appears to me from this view that Mexico does not have the intense fossil fuel lobbies like we do in the United States. I hope they beat us to the goal of zero co2.

  2. Not naive

    Sounds good in writing, Mexico needs to reduce emmsions,but what about a plan to reduce corruption and crime?


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