How To Source Sustainable Seafood:

Published on: June 14, 2013

Many of the biggest supermarket chains have committed to sourcing only fish that’s sustainably harvested, but that has to be difficult given that a majority of fish are mislabeled! offers distributors, supermarkets, restaurants,
chefs, and other buyers a way to find that information with confidence. 

There are 2,700+ seafood products from nearly 400 companies that can be searched by the origin of the seafood, seasonal availability, and supplier’s distribution area.

For example, let’s say you’re looking to buy Littleneck Clams. The listing shows how it is harvested – wild or farmed – and then, within those options, whether it was hand-gathered or dredged (wild) or open/uncontained (farmed). It also shows exactly where they are harvested – in this case, they come from various states from South Carolina to Rhode Island and British Columbia. The next column displays their sustainability scores and then exactly which company supplies them and the minimum order.  

Businesses can learn where their seafood comes from with detailed supplier profiles, buying guides, and an industry resources section. aggregates up-to-date, science-based seafood information from its sustainability partners, which include the Seafood Watch Program at Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Marine Stewardship Council and NOAA Fisheries, and then adds
the corresponding products, suppliers, and relevant supporting information to the website. 

FishChoice is a nonprofit funded by private foundations. 

Large retailers that have committed to selling only Marine Stewardship Council-certified seafood – which guarantees tracking of seafood through the value chain – in addition to being caught sustainably from abundant sources are: Kroger and Target by 2015;  Safeway; Sysco, the largest foodservice distributor in the US, by 2015; McDonald’s in Europe.

Cornell has also made serving sustainably sourced fish a policy as has Virgin Airlines.

59 retailers are banning genetically modified fish, including TargetWhole Foods and Trader Joe’s.

Greenpeace ranks the nation’s supermarkets each year on seafood sustainability:  

 Seafood Greenpeace 2013

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