A Great Idea: Solar, Wind Farms Along Keystone Pipeline Route

Published on: June 4, 2013

What a great idea!

Let’s stop talking about how renewable energy is needed instead of tar sands oil and get to building it instead.

Opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline have decided to build solar and wind farms along the route where the pipeline would go in Nebraska. 

Bold Nebraska, Sierra Club and Nebraska Farmers Union are fundraising to build $65,000 worth of projects and volunteers will help with planning and construction.

"If President Obama approves Keystone XL, he’ll have to tear down these clean and locally produced energy sources to make way for dirty and foreign tar sands," says Jane Kleeb, who heads   Bold Nebraska.

Meanwhile, it’s becoming ever-clearer just how much tar sands expansion depends on Obama’s approval of the Keystone pipeline.

If it is cancelled or even delayed that would put over $9 billion of tar sands investment at risk in the next seven years, concludes a report from RBC Dominion Securities.

That’s because a third of tar sands growth, or 450,000 barrels a day, could not be developed without a conduit for export. Still, they believe the investment will eventually pay off because "operators will find other ways to ship bitumen and synthetic crude to markets, leading to project deferrals but not outright cancellations."

British Columbia rejected one route last week and there is strong opposition to every new route they come up with.

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