Obama Nominates Charlotte's Mayor to Head DOT

President Obama has nominated Anthony Foxx, Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, as the next Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Foxx has a strong reputation for favoring mass transportation, bicycle and walking paths.

Anthony Foxx, DOT

Obama noted that when he introduced Foxx, saying he would bring experience on the ground to the job:

"When Anthony became mayor in 2009, Charlotte, like the rest of the country, was going through a bruising economic crisis. But the city has managed to turn things around. The economy is growing. There are more jobs, more opportunity. And if you ask Anthony how that happened, he’ll tell you that one of the reasons is that Charlotte made one of the largest investments in transportation in the city’s history.

Since Anthony took office, they’ve broken ground on a new streetcar project that’s going to bring modern electric tram service to the downtown area.  They’ve expanded the international airport. And they’re extending the city’s light rail system [to the University of Charlotte and to the airport]. All of that has not only helped create new jobs, it’s helped
Charlotte become more attractive to business."

"Under Foxx’s leadership, Charlotte has invested in light rail, a bikeway network, and a bike-sharing system; the city’s Complete Streets approach to building a  transportation system that serves all users is a model for the nation," says Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists. "He clearly understands the importance of biking and walking to creating a vibrant and economically successful community where businesses want to locate; where people want to live, raise a family and retire; and where  people have a real choice of transportation modes." 

Starting with the Recovery Act, President Obama has pushed hard for high-speed rail, which Foxx will likely continue. 

Under Sec’t LaHood, one of the cool things the DOT did was give out grants to help states upgrade fleets to hybrid buses and other will clean vehicles like hybrid buses as well as facilities for energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

Foxx will too since he also works for also works for DesignLine, a  hybrid bus company.

Read our article, 50 Best and Worst US Transportation Projects, State By State.

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