FCC Doesn't Protect Public from Wireless Radiation

Published on: March 25, 2013

When I went to a public hearing in my town to protest a proposed cell tower for my residential neighborhood, I was shocked when I was told this:

"The only grounds we can use to protest the cell tower is that it will lower property values. We can’t talk about our concerns about health impacts because of a deal the telecommunications industry made with the FCC. Thus, towns can’t bar a cell tower because of health concerns. If they do, they risk a lawsuit from cell companies.

Now, the EMRadiation Policy Institute (EMRPI) has released the results of extensive research across the US.

After testing wireless radiofrequency (RF) sites across the US, they  that reveal the FCC’s failure to protect Americans from radiation. 

The group tested hundreds of wireless antenna sites across the US and found them to be in gross violation – up to and in excess of 600% – of the FCC’s public exposure limits. 

And FCC’s exposure limits are among the least protective in the world. In 2011, the World Health Organization classified wireless radiation as a Group 2B carcinogen. 

Believe it or not, under FCC policy, wireless companies self-report on their compliance with RF limits.

They have yet
to even receive a response from the FCC after submitting detailed accounts of these violations.

Radiation from smart meters is also a concern for many people, but levels so far detected are well within bounds.


Read The Bio Initiative Report, "A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields":  

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