Solar Forest Sprouts in North Carolina

Published on: February 4, 2013

A "Solar Forest" is moving forward in North Carolina which consists of 2300 "solar trees" that together, will produce 35 megawatts of electricity.  

Scheduled to come online next year, two companies are developing the project, Envision Solar (OTC: EVSI) and Horizon Energy Group. 

Tennessee-based Horizon, which develops microgrids for utilites and campuses, is developing and financing the project – the biggest yet for Envision’s patented solar trees.

San Diego-based Envision "transforms parking lots into beautiful, shaded, renewable energy generation plants shrouded in the "Green Halo," they say. 

Solar panels sprout in all directions from one central column and can track the sun. They provide shade for cars and charging stations for electric cars.

Solar Tree

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