Need Help Getting to the Climate Forward Rally on February 17?

Published on: February 15, 2013

If you want to attend the Climate Forward rally this Sunday in Washington DC, but are being held back by a lack of easy transportation, consider using

Ridebuzz is a non-profit that’s advancing ridesharing technology and is helping people carpool to the event from all over the country. You can post rides offered or needed or find a bus on their website.

This is likely to be the largest climate rally ever held in the US, with 30,000 people expected and backed by 120 partner organizations. 

People will arrive at 11:30 AM and the rally takes place from Noon – 4PM at the National Mall. Meet at the northeast corner of the Washington Monument. 

The purpose of the event is to demonstrate to the Obama administration strong public support for moving ahead with climate change solutions, including rejecting the tar sands pipeline and regulating emissions at power plants. It will show support for moving beyond coal, oil and natural gas by investing in a clean energy economy, and transition to a healthy and sustainable food and farming system.

The Organic Consumers Association will be among those illuminating the connection between our food system and climate change.

Factory farming is overlooked at a much source of greenhouse gas emissions, but the production of meat, eggs and milk from confined animals contributes over 50% of those emissions, according to Worldwatch.

"By abolishing factory farms and industrial and GMO crop cultivation, and transitioning back to carbon ranching and organic farming, we could potentially sequester the overwhelming majority of greenhouse gas emissions, and bring the CO2 level back down to the safe level of 350 parts-per-million," says Ronnie Cummins, national director of Organic Consumers Association.

While industrial agriculture spews greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at 3,700 pounds of CO2 per year per acre, organic farming naturally sequesters 7,000 pounds of carbon per year per acre in the soil.

In 2008, candidate Obama said, "As president, I would direct the Environmental Protection Agency to strictly monitor and regulate pollution from large factory farms, with tough fines for those that violate environmental standards. I also support efforts to provide more meaningful local control over these factory farms."

You can also participate on Facebook and Twitter. Also, use the hashtag #ForwardonClimate to follow news and information leading up to and live from the rally.

Learn more about Climate Forward.

Here’s Buzzfeed’s website:

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