Enbridge Secretly Amassing Network of Tar Sands Pipelines

Published on: February 6, 2013

Will there be an end to this tar sands thing? 

The biggest protest yet against TransCanada’s tar sands pipeline happens February 17 in Washington DC, and across the environmental community, fingers are crossed that President Obama will reject it.

But while everyone’s looking at TransCanada’s plans, another player is quietly building plans for an extensive pipeline network, hoping no one will notice. 

Enbridge is quietly amassing a network of pipelines that can move over a million barrels of toxic tar sands every day, notes Edmonton Journal, way more than the 830,000 barrels that would gush through Transcanada’s XL pipeline.

"Over the next three years we’re investing $15 billion in three initiatives that can provide additional markets for about one million barrels of Alberta production. And that is in addition to all the regional pipeline development we’re undertaking in the oilsands and elsewhere," the company says.


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Comments on “Enbridge Secretly Amassing Network of Tar Sands Pipelines”

  1. skeptic1

    Nothing about this has been “seceret” or “quiet”. If you follow the news or look on Enbridge’s website, all this information has been readily available.

  2. masteroftheobvious

    Seems to me that the theory that enbridge is doing something in secret, hoping no one will notice, starts to fall apart when the author of the theory uses a quote from enbridge describing their “secret plan”. This “report” is lacking any sense whatsoever, and consequently, any credibility as well.

  3. Rona Fried

    Yes, that’s what we mean – it’s not being talked about in the news and the rallies are focused only on TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline. People are just waking up to Enbridge’s plans for the East Coast and Enbridge has, until now, insisted it has no plans.

  4. skeptic1

    So it seems the author’s quarrel should be with the media and it’s coverage, not with Enbridge. Regardless, the author is just wrong. Their Northern Gateway project was announced in 2006 and the project application was submitted to the National Energy Board in May 2010, all of which was available to the public/news media.


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